Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been blogging for years, learning how to write a blog post is something everyone needs to master. Unfortunately, so numerous people out there are writing blog messages that are thin, not formatted correctly and will never be shared by humans or loved by Google bots.
There’s a easy and easy-to-follow formula that you can use to make sure that you’re creating the best content possible, both for your readers and for search engines. If you know how to write a blog post properly, then you can grow your audience, keep readers on your pages and help much more people with your blog.
This blog that you’re reading has over 1,500 blog messages on it and we’ve been mastering how to write a blog post for nearly a decade.
In this post I’m going to show you the secret to how we’ve written so numerous blog messages that have helped us grow this blog to over 375,000 readers per month and how you can write articles that people will share on their social platforms, helping you to grow your traffic quickly.
How To write a blog post (Blog writing Basics)
Choosing a topic To write About
Pick a Catchy Title
The best blog writing Format
Blog post Design
Blog writing Tools
How To write a blog post much more Efficiently
How To write a blog post For SEO
What is The ideal length For a blog Post?
Your goal Is To get & keep Your Readers’ Attention
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How To write a blog post (Blog writing Basics)
Don’t worry, if you’ve been blogging for a long time and searching for some advanced strategies, we’ll get there later on in this post. but first, we have to cover some of the basics of how to write a blog post. Surprisingly, even some pro-bloggers fail to follow the basic guidelines of blog writing.
1. write an Intro
Every good blog post is like an essay. It needs to have a well-defined beginning, middle, and end. The intro to your blog post ought to be no much more than 3-4 paragraphs and in the first paragraph, you ought to clearly outline what your post will be.
Ideally, you ought to also mention why you’re an authority on the topic.
In the case of a travel blog, this might imply making it clear that you have spent much more than a few hours at the destination you’re writing about (Did you live there? spend a week there?). For a tech review, it ought to be clear that you know what you’re talking about and have personally used the product you’re evaluating for a considerable amount of time.
You ought to also give the reader a hook.
This is a little something to attract them to continue reading. in some cases this will come in the form of a short sentence that says something like “read on to find out which places to check out and why I wouldn’t go to some of them again”. This kind of writing can hook people into reading much more of your content and helps to keep them engaged.
2. write “The Middle”
The middle of your content is the meat of the post. Make sure you break up this content well and make it as easy to read as possible (more about blog post formatting later in this article). You ought to have as much information as you can about the topic you’re writing on.
Make the post as extensive and helpful for the reader as possible.
If you’re writing a diary style blog post about your personal life or your travels, then you ought to still include some information that will be helpful for your readers as well.
Var stannade du? hur mycket kostade det? Where can you purchase the item from? how numerous hours does it take to get there? Where is the best place to find it?
Answering these types of questions can help the reader find value in your content, even when the post is a personal story.
3. write an Outro
The most significant mistake that bloggers make when writing an outro is that they simply repeat the intro. This is a big no-no. The outro is one of the most essential parts of a blog post because if people made it that far, they certainly like what you wrote. This is your chance to get them to remember you.
Leave them with something to think about. give them a question to engage with. offer them something extra like a short ebook on the topic. get their email if you can. encourage them to comment. Lead them to much more messages on your blog that are about a similar topic.
It’s essential to note here that you ought to never open a new line of thought in your outro. It can be very jarring to a reader – who has managed to complete reading a long post – to reach the end and find that there’s much much more that wasn’t discussed in the article.
Don’t open up a whole new can of worms in the outro. keep it simple, conclude your thoughts and attempt to invoke some emotion in the reader.
Choosing a topic To write About
Before you open up WordPress and click that “New Post” button in your dashboard, you ought to have already figured out what you want to write about. This isn’t easy for some bloggers out there and it’s true that even if you know how to write a blog post, you might hit writer’s block and not know what to write about. It happens to the best of us! here are a few useful blog writing suggestions to counteract that.
Read other blogs In Your Niche
A terrific way to figure out what you ought to write about next is to draw inspiration from your peers. I’m not saying go onto someone’s blog, find a title and write the exact same post on your own site. Instead, read a few of your preferred bloggers’ many recent messages and see if you can drum up some inspiration.
When authors and novelists have writer’s block, they typically pick up a book. For bloggers, a terrific way to find a new topic to write about is to browse the web for a while.
Find Out What’s Trending On Your Blog
An easy way to write messages that your readers will love is to simply double down on what has already worked for your blog in the past. Do you have a post that already went viral or one that did better than all of the rest?
If you’re not sure what has done well on your site in the past, you can head into Google Analytics and on the left side, you can click Behaviour → site content → All Pages. This will show a list of all of your pages organized by the most page views to the least. look at the top 5 – 6 and see if you can write another blog post about a similar topic and see if it does well again.
Note: never write the same short article twice. even if you reword everything, it’s best not to have 2 similar messages on your site. always write 100% original content to guarantee you aren’t penalized by Google.
Find Out What’s Trending Worldwide
Sometimes you just need a little inspiration and a good place to find inspiration is through tools like BuzzSumo and Google Trends. These sites allow you to search for a topic and see what not only what is being written on the subject, but what is being shared the most and talked about the most online. Basically, what’s going viral currently.
As you scroll through the results in these tools, you’ll likely find numerous topics you can write about. but as always when blog writing, the goal isn’t just to write a terrific blog post, the goal is to write a better blog post than anything else published online before.
That’s why it’s essential to click on at least 4-5 of the results and scan them, make notes, and try to think of ways you can make your short article better.
Can you incorporate the best aspects of the 4-5 articles you read? Can you add even better topics that those bloggers didn’t think about? knowing how to write a blog post is half the battle, but by using this data you can figure out how to write the best post that’s ever been written on the topic.
Break Down What You’ve already Written
If you knew how to write a blog post before you read this article, you’ll likely have dozens, if not hundreds of them already published on your blog. Go into each of those blog messages and see if you can create a second, supporting short article to supplement the information.
A good way to do this is to look at your subheadings (more about subheadings and formatting blog messages later in this post). are there any subheadings that you could fancy on and create a separate post for?
For example, let’s say you wrote a post on your blog called “The 10 best Compasses For Travel” and in that post, you noted 10 of the coolest compasses on the market. In this case, it would be quite easy to create a separate post for each of these compasses. The post could be much more extensive on that particular compass and you could link the individual compass short article back to the main compass list post.
Doing this is terrific for user experience and even better for Google. This is called a pillar web and it’s one way to guarantee that your blog gets seen in search results.
Break Down What someone Else has already Written
Maybe you’re brand new to blogging and not only do you not know how to write a blog post, but you’ve actually never written one. If that’s the case, you can start by writing your first blog post and breaking it down in the way I described above. After that, you could also search BuzzSumo for other topics to write about.
Perhaps you aren’t inclined to write a better short article than theEnorm guide du hittade att bli viral i Buzzsumo. Men kan du skriva ett inlägg på en av underrubrorna och gå in i mycket mer djup än författaren gjorde? Detta kan vara ett fantastiskt sätt att skriva kortare meddelanden som är mycket mer benägna att bli virala.
Använd Keysarch
Om du redan tar din blogg på allvar, spenderar du förmodligen $ 10 / månaden på Keysearch. Det här verktyget hjälper bloggare att ta reda på vilka nyckelord och väsentliga fraser som söks i Google. Det visar hur många människor söker frasen varje månad och ger dig en uppfattning om hur utmanande det skulle vara att rangordna för den termen.
Men Keysearch är också ett fantastiskt verktyg för att helt enkelt hitta ett nytt ämne att skriva om. När du skriver en sökordsfras eller väsentlig fras i Keysearch, fyller den en kolumn på den bästa sidan av skärmen med ett gäng “relevanta nyckelord”. Dessa är vanligtvis värda helt nya inlägg. Jag kan inte räkna antalet gånger jag har hittat ett fantastiskt nytt ämne att skriva om från det här avsnittet av Keysearch.
Det som gör det till och med mycket mer användbart är att du ofta hittar ämnen i det här avsnittet som söks i Google tiotusentals gånger per månad, vilket innebär att genom att skriva inlägget kommer du att ge dig själv en god chans att landa enorm trafik.
Lär dig hur man skriver ett blogginlägg på olika sätt
Det finns några ofta använda blogginläggstyper som kan hjälpa din blogg att skriva oerhört. När du har en ämnesidé kan du titta över den här listan med blogginläggstyper för att ta reda på vad du kanske vill skriva om. Försök att förvrätta dessa så att din blogg har ett brett utbud av inläggstyper.
Alla älskar en lista. Det finns en anledning till att tidskrifter alltid har titlar som “7 enkla och enkla tekniker för att förlora 20 kg på 20 veckor”. Det är iögonfallande, det fångar människors uppmärksamhet och det är engagerande. Alla älskar en lista.
How-to’s & Tutorials
Google handlar om att svara på frågor och några av de mest ställda frågorna i sökmotorer börjar med orden “hur man”. Meddelanden som “Hur man packar för resor” eller “Hur man fixar en diskbänk” kommer säkert att ha hög sökvolym och kommer därför att driva dig mycket trafik, men de är också mycket hjälpsamma för dina läsare.
Resursmeddelanden och länklistor
Detta är mycket likt en listik, men en länklista listar faktiskt andra människors innehåll eller tjänster. Meddelanden som “10 produktivitetsappar för att spara tid och vara mycket effektivare” är mycket fängslande, mycket hjälpsamma och är vanligtvis mycket engagerande.
Fuska ark, att göra och checklistor
Människor älskar att få saker gjort. Det är därför dessa typer av meddelanden vanligtvis är väldigt framgångsrika. “10 saker att göra innan du träffar vägen” och “En backpackers förpackningskontrolllista” är fantastiska exempel på denna typ av inlägg för resanischen, men dessa meddelanden kan skrivas om alla ämnen.
Kunder gillar vanligtvis att lära sig om produkter och tjänster innan de spenderar pengar på dem. Granska meddelanden kan vara mycket populära och det finns faktiskt hela bloggar och YouTube -kanaler som är dedikerade till recensioner.
Om du känner någon som är expert på ett ämne, varför inte intervjua dem på din blogg? Du kan ställa frågorna som rubriker för att bryta upp inlägget och svaren kan vara till stor hjälp för dina läsare.
Vad barnen kallar “kollaps”, dessa meddelanden är inte bara till stor hjälp eftersom du kan få flera experter att bidra till dem, men de är också bra för SEO. Du kan vara värd för ett kollapsinlägg på din webbplats, men också gå med i kollaps på andra webbplatser, länka tillbaka till din blogg och öka din DA.
Välj en iögonfallande titel
Studier har visat att när ditt blogginlägg dyker upp i sökresultaten eller i textlänkar på webben kommer bara en av 5 läsare att klicka på den länken. Ju catchier din bloggtitel är, desto mycket mer kan du öka dessa siffror. Här är några sätt som kan hjälpa dig att välja en fängslande blogginlägg.