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AN in-depth guide TO planning A LESBIAN friendly trip

Posted: 4/3/17 | April 3rd, 2017

In this guest post, Dani from Globetrottergirls shares her tips and advice to help you plan the ultimate lesbian friendly travel experience!

When I started planning my first trip to Latin America in 2010, I wondered what it would be like to travel with my girlfriend in strictly Catholic countries, many of them known for their culture of machismo.

Would we be safe?

Would we get the chance to connect with local lesbians or meet other lesbian travelers?

I had traveled extensively around Europe and I’d been to LGBT hot spots in the us but had no idea what to expect in other parts of the world. Back then, there wasn’t much information online, and social media wasn’t as ubiquitous as it is now.

Today, planning a lesbian trip has gotten much easier since then. Still, if you are not traveling to a lesbian or a pride festival, planning an LGBT-friendly trip can be daunting and overwhelming.

Where do you start?

How to go about finding queer-friendly destinations and meeting other gay travelers?

Like me, a lot of lesbians (especially first-time travelers) feel more comfortable traveling in an environment where they feel safe. with that in mind, I’ve compiled this ultimate resource for lesbian travelers, including websites you’ll want to bookmark for trip planning, LGBT-friendly booking sites, travel opportunities for same-sex couples or lesbian solo travelers, and how to meet like-minded people during your trip!


1. Trip-Planning Strategies
2. how to find Lesbian-Friendly travel Companies
3. how to find Lesbian-Owned and -Friendly Accommodation
4. the best Lesbian tours and Cruises
5. how to meet other Lesbians While Traveling
6. how to travel safe as a Lesbian

1. Trip-Planning Strategies

Maybe you’ve already got a destination in mind, or maybe you’re completely open. If this is your first international trip, you might want to play it safe and visit a country with liberal views on same-sex relationships — and not one of the 70 countries that have legal LGBT discrimination.

The us department of state is a good place to start to gather LGBTQ travel Information, including some pointers on staying safe as a queer traveler.

Both the international Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex association (ILGA), a nonprofit human rights group in Geneva, and the international Gay & Lesbian travel association (IGLTA) are excellent resources. The former has a detailed overview of sexual orientation laws around the world, and the latter has good trip-planning tools.

Damron publishes a complete travel guide by and for lesbians every year, including listings in North America, South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and major cities in Europe and Asia. It also includes festivals, lesbian tours, and conferences, as well as information for vegetarians and multiracial couples and on wheelchair access, among much more.

Passport magazine is one of the only gay and lesbian travel magazines still in publication in the United States. It covers LGBT travel, culture, adventure, and style. It’s the perfect go-to if you’re looking for some lesbian travel inspiration.

If this is your first trip abroad, and you don’t want to travel too far from the US, I recommend Costa Rica, which is very LGBT friendly. Manuel Antonio has plenty of gay-owned hotels, and Playa Samara, my favorite beach in Costa Rica, even has a lesbian-owned B&B right on the beach.

Mexico is one of the countries that surprised me most in terms of gay-friendliness: Not even in San Francisco did I see as many gay couples openly holding hands and making out in parks as I did in Mexico City!

Moreover, Puerto Vallarta is the “gay capital” of Mexico, and along with the nearby beaches of the Riviera Nayarit, it makes for an easy getaway from the us — where you can be out without worrying about how you may be perceived.

2. how to find Lesbian-Friendly travel Companies

The IGLTA has a comprehensive list of all of its official partners, which include companies like Delta, Hilton, Marriott, and Disney.

Expedia has a separate section for queer travelers, featuring LGBT-welcoming hotels and guides to top gay hotspots.

3. how to find lesbian-Owned and -Friendly Accommodation

The best place to look for lesbian-owned and lesbian-friendly accommodation is Purple Roofs, the world’s largest travel directory of LGBT-friendly accommodation. Over 4,800 bed & breakfasts, hotels, vacation rentals, and other properties are listed. simply type in your destination and all available properties there will be listed. You’ll see right away if it’s lesbian or gay owned, the price per night, and a description of the property.

Another option is to look for tag Approved® hotels, which are those that are not only LGBT friendly but also support the LGBT community in their employment policies and services. (TAG stands for travel Advocacy Group.) There are around 2,000 suchhotels, including several big chains, such as Hilton Hotels, Marriott, Sheraton, and The W. similar to Purple Roofs, you can type in your destination and be shown a listing of all tag Approved® hotels there.

While Purple Roofs focuses on small, independent businesses, tag features mostly bigger hotel corporations. The advantage of tag is that it features many hotels that are members of travel reward programs, so if you are into travel hacking and looking to use points in a lesbian-friendly hotel, the tag website will be more useful for you.

Not every lesbian cares if she is staying in explicitly LGBT-friendly accommodations. So if you’re not sure of the kind of place you’re checking in to, you may well run into this issue: having to decide if you are comfortable requesting a double bed when you are given two single beds. I don’t know how many times my partner and I were shown a room with two beds after explicitly booking a double bed. most receptionists simply assume that two girls traveling together are friends or sisters; rarely do they assume that they are a couple.

I do remember situations in which I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to ask (in Malaysia, for example, where LGBT rights are largely unrecognized).

If you’re confident enough, you can ask for a room with one bed instead, which is what I started doing after I got tired of squeezing into a single bed with my girlfriend. but not everyone is comfortable doing this, so if you want to be 100% sure that you’re welcomed — especially when traveling as a couple — I recommend booking lesbian-friendly accommodation.

4. the best Lesbian tours and Cruises

There are several providers for lesbian tours, the biggest one being Olivia. Olivia offers all-lesbian vacations, ranging from resorts to cruises. Olivia always buys out a whole resort or charters the entire ship to make sure the trip is a safe space for women so that they feel like they can be out without worrying about anything.

In addition to ships or resorts filled with lesbians, Olivia also offer the best lesbian entertainment on their vacations, including artists like Melissa Etheridge, the Indigo Girls, Wanda Sykes, and Lily Tomlin.

Olivia is a great option for couples, but also for solo travelers who can’t find anyone to travel with but aren’t ready to go on a trip by themselves. one of the things that make Olivia special is that women come together on their trips to meet new people and form friendships, and many women travel with Olivia over and over again.

Diva Destinations is a UK-based lesbian tour operator that offers hosted lesbian group holidays around Europe, for example, the Women’s festival in Lesvos, Greece; a golf-themed cruise; and river cruises around Europe. (These are not limited to lesbian travelers from the UK, by the way.)

R family Vacations, founded by Rosie O’Donell, started out as “R family Cruises” but has since grown into other kinds of LGBT family vacations. In addition to its popular family vacations for lesbian parents and their kids, the company has launched an “Adult Vacation” line, which offers kid-free vacations, not strictly for lesbian travelers but both gay men and women. In contrast to R’s family vacation line, the adult holidays aim to connect LGBT travelers without kids.

Another company that offers mixed cruises (for gay men as well as lesbians), is Aquafest Cruises, which specializes in discounted LGBT cruises to destinations such as Alaska, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, and Asia. Aquafest’s cruises are considerably cheaper than other gay and lesbian cruises (including the above mentioned R adult Cruises), and it also offers themed cruises around celebrations like Mardi Gras and Halloween. entertainment on board includes lesbian get-togethers, singles get-togethers, theme dance parties, gay Olympics, stand-up comedy, cabaret, and celebrity singers.

Out Of office is a newer travel start-up that arranges high-end holidays for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples as well as gay-friendly flights, hotels, transfers, and excursions. It also offers several itineraries aimed at lesbian travelers (guaranteeing that the tour operators and hotels used in the itineraries are lesbian-friendly), and group trips for LGBT travelers to destinations such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, and China.

5. how to meet other Lesbians While Traveling

These days, the easiest way to meet other lesbians while traveling is through dating apps (even if you’re not looking for a hook-up). I’ve met other lesbian solo travelers this way while backpacking through South America, had a girl show me around Milan, and got a great introduction to Tel Aviv’s lesbian scene, all of which I wouldn’t have otherwise. I am still in touch with most of the girls and happy to return the favor when they’re visiting new York.

The dating best apps to connect with other lesbians are HER (the most popular lesbian one) and all-gender dating apps like Tinder, OkCupid or PlentyOfFisk. Hennes har också en lista över lesbiska fester, möten, festivaler och mer, så att du kan kontrollera vad som händer på den plats du besöker.

Ett bra alternativ att träffa lesbiska som reser är genom soffsurfinggrupper. Du behöver inte stanna på en främling soffa om du inte vill – soffsurfing har också tusentals grupper för alla möjliga intressen, inklusive lesbiska och queer -grupper. Här är några lesbiska grupper jag är medlem i:

Lägg bara upp om en kommande resa och se om några andra lesbiska råkar resa i samma område eller bor på den plats du besöker.

Det finns en annan användning för soffsurfinggrupper: du kan se om det finns några hbt- eller lesbiska grupper i staden du planerar att besöka. De flesta stora städer har queer -grupper och de har regelbundna möten. De är ett enkelt sätt att få kontakt med samhällen över hela världen. är ett liknande alternativ, men med grupper uppdelade till mer specifika intressen. New York City har till exempel grupper för “lesbiska som brunch”, “svarta lesbiska” och homosexuella tjugo-somethings, för att bara nämna några. Bläddra bara igenom mötesgrupperna på den plats du reser till och gå med i ett möte som passar dina intressen.

Facebook blir också ett allt populärare sätt att få kontakt med andra lesbiska, och du kan söka efter lesbiska grupper, liksom evenemang i staden du reser till.

Gå med i de grupper du hittar intressanta och RSVP till evenemang du tror att du kommer att njuta av. Om du är bekväm att gå ut själv, kontrollera om det finns några lesbiska barer eller fester medan du besöker.

6. Hur man reser säkert som lesbisk

Som jag nämnde ovan bör du göra en hel del forskning före resan om dina destinationer, särskilt om du reser utomlands.

Vad står landets ställning på relationer av samma kön?

Finns det lagar som tillåter diskriminering av hbt -personer?

Har det förekommit några incidenter som involverar Queers?

Det är ett kontroversiellt ämne om homosexuella och lesbiska resenärer bör besöka anti-LHBT-länder, men jag känner många lesbiska som är villiga att resa till sådana platser. Så om din dröm är att klättra på Kilimanjaro, kommer du uppenbarligen att tona ner PDA: erna där, med tanke på att Tanzania är ett land där sexuella handlingar av samma kön är brott som kan straffas av staten.

Om du inte vill riskera att bli attackerad som en ut-och-stolt lesbisk, reser du inte till länder som är kända för att vara allvarligt homofob. Välj din destination klokt och resa bara till en plats du är bekväm att besöka, särskilt när du är på en solotur. Jag kan till exempel blockera catcalls och vissel som är vanliga i Centralamerika, men jag känner andra lesbiska som inte kan hantera den typen av machismo.

Om du reser som ett par, kommer du att tona PDA: er mycket, som jag har nämnt i min tidigare artikel: Lesbiska resor: 4 saker att veta.

När du reser ensam, vidta samma försiktighetsåtgärder som andra solo-kvinnliga resenärer tar: Var gata-smart och vaksam, lyssna alltid på din magkänsla, var medveten om din omgivning och blinkar inte dina värdesaker.

Som lesbisk kan du vara mer orolig för din första resa utomlands än dina raka vänner som inte behöver tänka på potentiell diskriminering och anti-LGBT-lagar, men så länge du gör din forskning och planerar din resa noggrant, du behöver inte vara rädd. Tvärtom: Du kommer förmodligen att bli förvånad över att se hur välkomnande de flesta platser är av lesbiska resenärer.

Om du vill vara på den säkra sidan, gå med ett lesbiskt turnéföretag för din första resa, men efter att ha rest över hela världen självständigt i flera år kan jag ärligt säga att jag aldrig har känt mig hotad någonstans, helt enkelt för att jag tog allt De försiktighetsåtgärder som krävs för att hålla sig säker som en lesbisk resenär.

Resor har gett mig så många oförglömliga upplevelser, kopplade mig till andra lesbiska över hela världen och visat mig några av de vackraste platserna på P

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