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AN in-depth guide TO planning A LESBIAN friendly trip

Posted: 4/3/17 | April 3rd, 2017

In this guest post, Dani from Globetrottergirls shares her tips and advice to help you plan the ultimate lesbian friendly travel experience!

When I started planning my first trip to Latin America in 2010, I wondered what it would be like to travel with my girlfriend in strictly Catholic countries, many of them known for their culture of machismo.

Would we be safe?

Would we get the chance to connect with local lesbians or meet other lesbian travelers?

I had traveled extensively around Europe and I’d been to LGBT hot spots in the us but had no idea what to expect in other parts of the world. Back then, there wasn’t much information online, and social media wasn’t as ubiquitous as it is now.

Today, planning a lesbian trip has gotten much easier since then. Still, if you are not traveling to a lesbian or a pride festival, planning an LGBT-friendly trip can be daunting and overwhelming.

Where do you start?

How to go about finding queer-friendly destinations and meeting other gay travelers?

Like me, a lot of lesbians (especially first-time travelers) feel more comfortable traveling in an environment where they feel safe. with that in mind, I’ve compiled this ultimate resource for lesbian travelers, including websites you’ll want to bookmark for trip planning, LGBT-friendly booking sites, travel opportunities for same-sex couples or lesbian solo travelers, and how to meet like-minded people during your trip!


1. Trip-Planning Strategies
2. how to find Lesbian-Friendly travel Companies
3. how to find Lesbian-Owned and -Friendly Accommodation
4. the best Lesbian tours and Cruises
5. how to meet other Lesbians While Traveling
6. how to travel safe as a Lesbian

1. Trip-Planning Strategies

Maybe you’ve already got a destination in mind, or maybe you’re completely open. If this is your first international trip, you might want to play it safe and visit a country with liberal views on same-sex relationships — and not one of the 70 countries that have legal LGBT discrimination.

The us department of state is a good place to start to gather LGBTQ travel Information, including some pointers on staying safe as a queer traveler.

Both the international Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex association (ILGA), a nonprofit human rights group in Geneva, and the international Gay & Lesbian travel association (IGLTA) are excellent resources. The former has a detailed overview of sexual orientation laws around the world, and the latter has good trip-planning tools.

Damron publishes a complete travel guide by and for lesbians every year, including listings in North America, South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and major cities in Europe and Asia. It also includes festivals, lesbian tours, and conferences, as well as information for vegetarians and multiracial couples and on wheelchair access, among much more.

Passport magazine is one of the only gay and lesbian travel magazines still in publication in the United States. It covers LGBT travel, culture, adventure, and style. It’s the perfect go-to if you’re looking for some lesbian travel inspiration.

If this is your first trip abroad, and you don’t want to travel too far from the US, I recommend Costa Rica, which is very LGBT friendly. Manuel Antonio has plenty of gay-owned hotels, and Playa Samara, my favorite beach in Costa Rica, even has a lesbian-owned B&B right on the beach.

Mexico is one of the countries that surprised me most in terms of gay-friendliness: Not even in San Francisco did I see as many gay couples openly holding hands and making out in parks as I did in Mexico City!

Moreover, Puerto Vallarta is the “gay capital” of Mexico, and along with the nearby beaches of the Riviera Nayarit, it makes for an easy getaway from the us — where you can be out without worrying about how you may be perceived.

2. how to find Lesbian-Friendly travel Companies

The IGLTA has a comprehensive list of all of its official partners, which include companies like Delta, Hilton, Marriott, and Disney.

Expedia has a separate section for queer travelers, featuring LGBT-welcoming hotels and guides to top gay hotspots.

3. how to find lesbian-Owned and -Friendly Accommodation

The best place to look for lesbian-owned and lesbian-friendly accommodation is Purple Roofs, the world’s largest travel directory of LGBT-friendly accommodation. Over 4,800 bed & breakfasts, hotels, vacation rentals, and other properties are listed. simply type in your destination and all available properties there will be listed. You’ll see right away if it’s lesbian or gay owned, the price per night, and a description of the property.

Another option is to look for tag Approved® hotels, which are those that are not only LGBT friendly but also support the LGBT community in their employment policies and services. (TAG stands for travel Advocacy Group.) There are around 2,000 suchhotels, including several big chains, such as Hilton Hotels, Marriott, Sheraton, and The W. similar to Purple Roofs, you can type in your destination and be shown a listing of all tag Approved® hotels there.

While Purple Roofs focuses on small, independent businesses, tag features mostly bigger hotel corporations. The advantage of tag is that it features many hotels that are members of travel reward programs, so if you are into travel hacking and looking to use points in a lesbian-friendly hotel, the tag website will be more useful for you.

Not every lesbian cares if she is staying in explicitly LGBT-friendly accommodations. So if you’re not sure of the kind of place you’re checking in to, you may well run into this issue: having to decide if you are comfortable requesting a double bed when you are given two single beds. I don’t know how many times my partner and I were shown a room with two beds after explicitly booking a double bed. most receptionists simply assume that two girls traveling together are friends or sisters; rarely do they assume that they are a couple.

I do remember situations in which I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to ask (in Malaysia, for example, where LGBT rights are largely unrecognized).

If you’re confident enough, you can ask for a room with one bed instead, which is what I started doing after I got tired of squeezing into a single bed with my girlfriend. but not everyone is comfortable doing this, so if you want to be 100% sure that you’re welcomed — especially when traveling as a couple — I recommend booking lesbian-friendly accommodation.

4. the best Lesbian tours and Cruises

There are several providers for lesbian tours, the biggest one being Olivia. Olivia offers all-lesbian vacations, ranging from resorts to cruises. Olivia always buys out a whole resort or charters the entire ship to make sure the trip is a safe space for women so that they feel like they can be out without worrying about anything.

In addition to ships or resorts filled with lesbians, Olivia also offer the best lesbian entertainment on their vacations, including artists like Melissa Etheridge, the Indigo Girls, Wanda Sykes, and Lily Tomlin.

Olivia is a great option for couples, but also for solo travelers who can’t find anyone to travel with but aren’t ready to go on a trip by themselves. one of the things that make Olivia special is that women come together on their trips to meet new people and form friendships, and many women travel with Olivia over and over again.

Diva Destinations is a UK-based lesbian tour operator that offers hosted lesbian group holidays around Europe, for example, the Women’s festival in Lesvos, Greece; a golf-themed cruise; and river cruises around Europe. (These are not limited to lesbian travelers from the UK, by the way.)

R family Vacations, founded by Rosie O’Donell, started out as “R family Cruises” but has since grown into other kinds of LGBT family vacations. In addition to its popular family vacations for lesbian parents and their kids, the company has launched an “Adult Vacation” line, which offers kid-free vacations, not strictly for lesbian travelers but both gay men and women. In contrast to R’s family vacation line, the adult holidays aim to connect LGBT travelers without kids.

Another company that offers mixed cruises (for gay men as well as lesbians), is Aquafest Cruises, which specializes in discounted LGBT cruises to destinations such as Alaska, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, and Asia. Aquafest’s cruises are considerably cheaper than other gay and lesbian cruises (including the above mentioned R adult Cruises), and it also offers themed cruises around celebrations like Mardi Gras and Halloween. entertainment on board includes lesbian get-togethers, singles get-togethers, theme dance parties, gay Olympics, stand-up comedy, cabaret, and celebrity singers.

Out Of office is a newer travel start-up that arranges high-end holidays for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples as well as gay-friendly flights, hotels, transfers, and excursions. It also offers several itineraries aimed at lesbian travelers (guaranteeing that the tour operators and hotels used in the itineraries are lesbian-friendly), and group trips for LGBT travelers to destinations such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, and China.

5. how to meet other Lesbians While Traveling

These days, the easiest way to meet other lesbians while traveling is through dating apps (even if you’re not looking for a hook-up). I’ve met other lesbian solo travelers this way while backpacking through South America, had a girl show me around Milan, and got a great introduction to Tel Aviv’s lesbian scene, all of which I wouldn’t have otherwise. I am still in touch with most of the girls and happy to return the favor when they’re visiting new York.

The dating best apps to connect with other lesbians are HER (the most popular lesbian one) and all-gender dating apps like Tinder, OkCupid or PlentyOfFisk. Hennes har också en lista över lesbiska fester, möten, festivaler och mer, så att du kan kontrollera vad som händer på den plats du besöker.

Ett bra alternativ att träffa lesbiska som reser är genom soffsurfinggrupper. Du behöver inte stanna på en främling soffa om du inte vill – soffsurfing har också tusentals grupper för alla möjliga intressen, inklusive lesbiska och queer -grupper. Här är några lesbiska grupper jag är medlem i:

Lägg bara upp om en kommande resa och se om några andra lesbiska råkar resa i samma område eller bor på den plats du besöker.

Det finns en annan användning för soffsurfinggrupper: du kan se om det finns några hbt- eller lesbiska grupper i staden du planerar att besöka. De flesta stora städer har queer -grupper och de har regelbundna möten. De är ett enkelt sätt att få kontakt med samhällen över hela världen. är ett liknande alternativ, men med grupper uppdelade till mer specifika intressen. New York City har till exempel grupper för “lesbiska som brunch”, “svarta lesbiska” och homosexuella tjugo-somethings, för att bara nämna några. Bläddra bara igenom mötesgrupperna på den plats du reser till och gå med i ett möte som passar dina intressen.

Facebook blir också ett allt populärare sätt att få kontakt med andra lesbiska, och du kan söka efter lesbiska grupper, liksom evenemang i staden du reser till.

Gå med i de grupper du hittar intressanta och RSVP till evenemang du tror att du kommer att njuta av. Om du är bekväm att gå ut själv, kontrollera om det finns några lesbiska barer eller fester medan du besöker.

6. Hur man reser säkert som lesbisk

Som jag nämnde ovan bör du göra en hel del forskning före resan om dina destinationer, särskilt om du reser utomlands.

Vad står landets ställning på relationer av samma kön?

Finns det lagar som tillåter diskriminering av hbt -personer?

Har det förekommit några incidenter som involverar Queers?

Det är ett kontroversiellt ämne om homosexuella och lesbiska resenärer bör besöka anti-LHBT-länder, men jag känner många lesbiska som är villiga att resa till sådana platser. Så om din dröm är att klättra på Kilimanjaro, kommer du uppenbarligen att tona ner PDA: erna där, med tanke på att Tanzania är ett land där sexuella handlingar av samma kön är brott som kan straffas av staten.

Om du inte vill riskera att bli attackerad som en ut-och-stolt lesbisk, reser du inte till länder som är kända för att vara allvarligt homofob. Välj din destination klokt och resa bara till en plats du är bekväm att besöka, särskilt när du är på en solotur. Jag kan till exempel blockera catcalls och vissel som är vanliga i Centralamerika, men jag känner andra lesbiska som inte kan hantera den typen av machismo.

Om du reser som ett par, kommer du att tona PDA: er mycket, som jag har nämnt i min tidigare artikel: Lesbiska resor: 4 saker att veta.

När du reser ensam, vidta samma försiktighetsåtgärder som andra solo-kvinnliga resenärer tar: Var gata-smart och vaksam, lyssna alltid på din magkänsla, var medveten om din omgivning och blinkar inte dina värdesaker.

Som lesbisk kan du vara mer orolig för din första resa utomlands än dina raka vänner som inte behöver tänka på potentiell diskriminering och anti-LGBT-lagar, men så länge du gör din forskning och planerar din resa noggrant, du behöver inte vara rädd. Tvärtom: Du kommer förmodligen att bli förvånad över att se hur välkomnande de flesta platser är av lesbiska resenärer.

Om du vill vara på den säkra sidan, gå med ett lesbiskt turnéföretag för din första resa, men efter att ha rest över hela världen självständigt i flera år kan jag ärligt säga att jag aldrig har känt mig hotad någonstans, helt enkelt för att jag tog allt De försiktighetsåtgärder som krävs för att hålla sig säker som en lesbisk resenär.

Resor har gett mig så många oförglömliga upplevelser, kopplade mig till andra lesbiska över hela världen och visat mig några av de vackraste platserna på P

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20 Bästa Coron Palawan Traveller Spots & Things To Do

Planerar du en resa till Coron? Här är bara några av de många platserna att besöka och saker att göra som du kanske vill lägga till i din Coron -resplan!

När vi tänker på Coron är det första som berör sinnet de höga karstklipporna som klostrar vackra laguner och sjöar. Dessa kalkstenväggar har blivit ikoniska, men de är inte riktigt distinkta för området. Flera andra destinationer på Filippinerna har samma underverk att skryta av – från El Nido precis över havet till Caramoan hela vägen till andra sidan landet – men det som skiljer Coron är den stora mångfalden i vad den har att erbjuda.

Coron är en del av Calamianes, en samling av taggade öar som peppar vattnet i norra Palawan. Det är turismnavet i området. Karta är prickade med reseoperatörskontor, hotell, vandrarhem och pensionat. Följaktligen gjorde detta staden Coron till den stora hopppunkten för resenärattraktioner på angränsande öar och kommuner.

Coron tillhandahåller ett brett utbud av resenärer och aktiviteter – från glansiga laguner till vackra stränder till oförglömliga dykplatser. De har till och med Saltwater Hot Springs, vilket är ganska sällsynt, och tror det eller inte, en afrikansk safari.

Obs: Många av dessa attraktioner kan nås som en del av en organiserad resa – antingen genom att chartera en privat åktur eller genom att gå med i en gruppturné. Du kan också dra en D-i-y om du har medel. Dessutom kan öppettiderna ändras utan föregående meddelande, så kontrollera de officiella webbplatserna eller Facebook -sidorna innan du besöker.

Vad är täckt i den här guiden?

1. Kayangan Lake
2. Barracuda Lake
3. Twin Lagoon
4. Banul Beach
5. Cyc Beach
6. Siete pecados
7. Mount Tapyas
8. Maquinit Hot Springs
9. Calauit Safari
10. Black Island
11. Pamalican Island
12. Lusong Coral Garden & Gun Boat
13. Malcapuya Island, Bulog Dos & Banana Island
14. Fireflies och Plankton Tour
15. Parasailing
16. Vattensporter
17. Culion Island
18. Coron Town Tour
19. skeppsbrottdykning
20. Skaldjur i stort sett
Topp Coron Resorts & HotelsSearch för mycket mer Coron Hotels!

Användbara Coron -inlägg
Fler förslag på YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

1. Kayangan Lake

Denna vackra sjö kan nås efter en 15-minuters vandring uppför en kulle, lite utmanande men helt värt den. Men redan innan du når själva sjön kommer du att behandlas med en spektakulär utsikt över det klara blå vattnet halvvägs. Den här bilden från View Deck är vad du vanligtvis kommer att se när du söker Kayangan -sjön på internet.

Utsikt över kalkstenklippor från en utkikpunkt på väg till Kayangan -sjön. Foto av Irene Ladignon.
För att nå den faktiska sjön måste du göra några minuters vandring, men synen på Kayangan -sjön kommer att göra klättringen värd det. Det hyllas som en av “de renaste sjöarna på Filippinerna”. Det är också viktigt att notera att området upprätthålls av den lokala Tagbanua -stammen. Ta ett dopp och uppskatta de omgivande klippformationerna. Gå tidigt för att undvika publiken.

Entréavgift: P300
Reseguideavgift: p500
Om chartering av en privat båt: Standardpriserna är P2 700 (2-4 PAX) / P3 250 (5-8 PAX) / P3 800 (9-15 PAX). Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
Om du går med i en grupptur: P1 500 – P2 800 per person (alla i). Kontrollera schemat och inneslutningar innan du bokar.

Få rabatterade priser när du bokar med Klook! Coron mycket högsta dagstur och Coron -resan, båda inkluderar Kayangan -sjön i sina resplaner.

✅ Bok Coron Trip A HÄR!

✅ Bok Coron Mycket högsta dagsutflykt hit!

2. Barracuda Lake

Barracuda Lake är en annan populär sjö på Coron Island som är öppen för allmänheten.

Varför Barracuda? Det sägs vara namnet efter en enorm barracuda -fisk vars skelett upptäcktes i sjöns djup. Liksom Kayangan -sjön har det brackvatten, en kombination av saltvatten och sötvatten, men det som gör det mycket mer intressant, särskilt för dykare, är termoklinen – lager av kalla, varma och heta vatten.

Se till att följa säkerhetspolicyn när du simmar och dyker.

Entréavgift: P250
Reseguideavgift: p500
Om du bokar en privat båt: P2 700 (2-4 PAX) / P3 250 (5-8 PAX) / P3 800 (9-15 PAX) per båt. Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
Om du går med i en grupptur: P1 500 – P2 800 per person (alla i). Kontrollera schemat och inneslutningar innan du bokar.

Betyg mycket när du bokar med Klook! Både Coron Trip B och Coron mycket högsta dagstur har Barracuda Lake i sina resplaner.

✅ Bok Coron Trip B här!

✅ Bok Coron Mycket högsta dagsutflykt hit!

3. Twin Lagoon

Detta är en dubbelbit för turister! Detta stopp har två paradisstycken separerade med en låg karstvägg.

Den första lagunen där båtarna är dockade kan lätt bli trångt, särskilt på middagstid. Den andra lagunen kan nås på två sätt, beroende på tidvattnet – taking the ladder over the rock during high tide or swimming through an opening underneath the rock during low tide. Either way, take utmost care when transiting between the two.

You may feel a combination of warm and cold water as you swim in the lagoons.

Entrance Fee: P200
Reseguideavgift: p500
If booking a private boat: P2,700 (2-4 pax) / P3,250 (5-8 pax) / P3,800 (9-15 pax). Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
If booking a group tour: P1,500 – P2,800 per person (ALL IN). check the schedule first before booking. Some trip packages don’t have twin Lagoon in their itinerary.

You can book this trip through Klook! The Coron very supreme Day trip and Coron trip B both include twin Lagoon in their itineraries.

✅ Bok Coron Trip B här!

✅ Bok Coron Mycket högsta dagsutflykt hit!

4. Banul Beach

Banul Beach
Aside from the lagoons and lakes, Coron is also blessed with beautiful beaches both on the mainland and on the islands. Banul beach features powdery white sand, limestone walls, and a coral garden.

Banul beach is the typical lunch stop for the Coron Island Tour, although not always. Some trip operators do their lunch stop somewhere else when the beach has already reached its traffic capacity.

Entrance Fee: P150
Reseguideavgift: p500
If booking a private boat: P2,700 (2-4 pax) / P3,250 (5-8 pax) / P3,800 (9-15 pax). Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
If booking a join-in tour: P1,500 – P2,800 per person (ALL IN). Kontrollera schemat och inneslutningar innan du bokar. Some trip packages don’t have Banul beach in their itinerary.

Betyg mycket när du bokar med Klook! Coron trip B and Coron very supreme Day Tour’s itineraries have Banul beach as their lunch stop.

✅ Bok Coron Trip B här!

✅ Bok Coron Mycket högsta dagsutflykt hit!

5. Cyc Beach

Coron youth Club (CYC) beach is typically part of the Coron Island trip package. The beach has fascinated both local and foreign tourists for its clear waters, fine white sand, and picturesque beachscape embellished with mangrove trees and rock formations.

Entrance Fee: FREE
Reseguideavgift: p500
If booking a private boat: P2,700 (2-4 pax) / P3,250 (5-8 pax) / P3,800 (9-15 pax). Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
If booking a group trip package: P1,500 – P1,800 per person (ALL IN). check the schedule and inclusions first before booking. Some trip packages don’t have CYC beach in their itinerary.

Få rabatterade priser när du bokar med Klook! Both the Coron very supreme Day trip and Coron trip A’s itineraries include CYC Beach.

✅ Bok Coron Trip A HÄR!

✅ Bok Coron Mycket högsta dagsutflykt hit!

6. Siete pecados

If you are curious about what Coron has to offer below the surface, Siete Pecados Marine Park flaunts a diverse and dynamic underwater ecosystem.

Aside from various marine species, it also features a colorful coral garden that delights divers and snorkelers alike.

Entrance Fee: P100
Reseguideavgift: p500
Standard boat Rates: P2,700 (2-4 pax) / P3,250 (5-8 pax) / P3,800 (9-15 pax). Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
Coron Island trip Rates: P1,500 – P2,800 per person (ALL IN). check the schedule and inclusions first before booking.

Book with Klook! The Coron very supreme Day trip and Coron trip A both include Siete Pecados in their itineraries.

✅ Bok Coron Trip A HÄR!

✅ Bok Coron Mycket högsta dagsutflykt hit!

7. Mount Tapyas

At 210 meters, mount Tapyas provides a panoramic view of its surroundings. At its summit stands a huge cross. At sunset or sunrise, you can also see the sky’s colorful gradient.

Mt. Tapyas sunset
But to get to the top, you need to conquer around 700 concrete steps. but fret not, rest stops with chairs have been installed along the way. For those who are not really into hiking, you can stop and take a breather in one of these rest decks.

To reach mount Tapyas, you can march to the base of the hill independently (DIY-style) or charter a tricycle. If you want a problem-free trip, you can book a Coron town Tour. Whatever you choose, make sure to bring enough water and sun protection for this activity.

Entrance Fee: FREE
Coron town Tour: P700 – P1,600 per person. check the schedule and inclusions first before booking.

You can get promotion rates when you book with Klook!

✅ book CORON town trip HERE!

8. Maquinit Hot Springs

After your island-hopping escapade or your mount Tapyas hike, Maquinit hot spring is a ideal place to cap off your day. The hot spring bath draws dozens of tourists — locals and foreigners — despite the considerable distance from the town center.

You can book a trip or just charter a tricycle to go there. The roundtrip tricycle fare is around P350. The travel time is around 30 minutes from the town center.Entréavgift: P200
Coron Town Tour: P700 – P1 600 per person. Kontrollera schemat och inneslutningar först innan du bokar.

Maquinit Hot Spring ingår ofta i Coron Town Trip -paketet. Om du bestämmer dig för att ta denna resa istället, få marknadsföringsgrader när du bokar med Klook!

✅ Bok Coron Town Trip Here!

9. Calauit Safari

En bit Afrika på Filippinerna? ja!

Även om det inte riktigt är en afrikansk safari, lockar Calauit Safari Park fortfarande dig med en upplevelse som skiljer sig från de typiska ödestinationsaktiviteterna på Filippinerna. Ön erbjuder en livsmiljö för djur som inte är infödda på Filippinerna som giraffer och zebror.

Calauit ligger i Busuanga kommun på andra sidan ön, så det kan ta mycket tid att nå. För att komma till Calauit Safari reser du vid sjöss eller reser med land.

Om du också vill besöka Black Island är det rekommenderade läget med båt. Här är de andra stoppen när du reser med båt: Lusong Coral Garden and Gun Boat Wreck och Pamilacan Island. Andra paket kan inkludera dessa stopp: North Cay och South Cay.

Om du väljer att gå med mark beror schemat på operatören. Välj den som passar dina preferenser. Resan med land består vanligtvis av 2-4 av dessa attraktioner (bortsett från Calauit Safari): Conception Falls, Malbato Chapel, North/South Cay, Pamilacan Island och Lusong Coral Garden och Gun Boat Wreck.

Entréavgift: P250 (Filipinos) / P400 (vanlig)
Reseguideavgift: p500
Standardbåtpriser: P9 300 (2-4 PAX) / P10 400 (5-8 PAX) / P17 000 (9-15 PAX). Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
Calauit Safari Trip Priser: P2 500 – P3 000 per person (alla i). Kontrollera schemat och inneslutningar först innan du bokar.

Du kan få rabatterad ränta när du bokar Klooks Coron Calauit Safari och Beach Tour!

✅ Bok Coron Calauit Safari & Beach Trip Here!

10. Black Island

Beläget nordväst om Busuanga Island ligger Malajon Island, populärt kallad Black Island av lokalbefolkningen och turister.

Foto av Vins Carlos
Det ser skrämmande på avstånd på grund av dess distinkta inslag – de mörka kolossala karstklipporna som mest definierar öns landskap. Dessa toppar stiger upp från en enorm bädd av vit sand som lutar brant och glider under vågorna. Det är en bred och nöjd lekplats för strandälskaren.

Bortsett från snorkling, dykning eller strandbummande, kan du också gå grottajakt eftersom ön har grottor som är öppna för allmänheten. Det viktigaste kan lätt nås genom att klättra på en kort stege. Golvet är knäckt öppet, vilket tillåter en titt på det kalla kristallvattnet som fyllde dess miniatyr sjöar. Stalaktiter pryder sitt tak och stenar täckta av glittrande vit kiseldioxid utgör sina väggar.

Black Island är vanligtvis en del av Calauit Safari -resan till sjöss.

Entréavgift: P200
Reseguideavgift: p500
Standardbåtpriser: P9 300 (2-4 PAX) / P10 400 (5-8 PAX) / P17 000 (9-15 PAX). Boka med Calamian Traveler Boat Association. Priserna ovan inkluderar inte entréavgifter, guidavgift och mat.
Calauit Safari Trip Priser: P2 500 – P3 000 per person (alla i). Kontrollera schemat och inneslutningar först innan du bokar.

Du kan boka Klooks Coron Calauit Safari och strandresa och få en rabatterad ränta!

✅ Bok Coron Calauit Safari & Beach Trip Here!

11. Pamalican Island

Det finns två pamalikanska öar i Palawan: den populära är i Cuyo, som uteslutande ägs av Amanpulo; Den andra finns i Busuanga, lätt tillgänglig från Coron.

Ligger väster om Busuanga, denna 50-hektar ö är kantad av en bred yta av ljus färgad sand och täcks av en tät skog. Detta är det bästa stället för strandälskare att lata runt och simma.

Pamalican Island ingår vanligtvis i Calauit Safari Trip -resplanen.

Entréavgift: P100
Reseguideavgift: p500
Standardbåtpriser: P9 300 (2-4 PAX) / P10 400 (5-8 PAX) / P17 000 (9-

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Alabang till NAIA / NAIA till Alabang: P2P -busschema (UBE Express)

Här är P2P -busscheman och priser för följande rutter: Alabang centrum till NAIA, NAIA till Alabang centrum; Starmall Alabang till NAIA, NAIA till Starmall Alabang; Ayala South Park till NAIA, NAIA till Ayala South Park.

Senast uppdaterad: 28 juli 2019

Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) ligger söder om Manila. Ändå har de som bor i söder fortfarande det är svårt att resa till och från flygplatsen. Varför? För länge är det utmanande för alla! Resenärer har mycket få alternativ. Att ta en taxi eller ta tag i bilen är för dyrt, särskilt för dem som vill spara lite mer pengar för sin resa. Å andra sidan, ja, att ta den vanliga kollektivtrafiken är billigt men mycket obekvämt. Det handlar om flera stopp och överföringar, en bussändring här, en jeep -resa dit, etc. och saker blir till och med mycket mer komplicerade om du bär flera väskor.

Men goda nyheter, sydliga! Ube Express har lanserat en punkt-till-punkt flygplatsbusstjänst till och från olika platser i Alabang! Detta är det aktuella tillskottet till deras växande lista över P2P -busslinjer, med bekväma och kostnadseffektiva åkattraktioner till och från flygplatsen. UBE Express-bussar har GPS, Wi-Fi och CCTV för en bekväm och säker åktur i hela. Den extra benutrymmet, bagageutrymmet och PWD -åtkomst tillför värde för alla passagerare. Du behöver inte längre oroa dig för att ta den längsta möjliga rutten och flera stopp innan du når flygplatsen.

Vad behandlas i den här guiden?

Ube Express pickup och släpp av poäng
Alabang centrum till NAIA, NAIA till Alabang centrum
Ayala South Park till NAIA, NAIA till Ayala South Park
Starmall Alabang till NAIA, NAIA till Starmall Alabang
Viktiga påminnelser
Var man kan bo nära Naiasearch för mycket fler hotell nära NAIA!

Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇ Relaterade inlägg:

Ube Express pickup och släpp av poäng

Ube Express har tre pick up and drop off punkter i Alabang:

Starmall Alabang

Alabang centrum

Ayala South Park

Alabang centrum och Ayala South Park serveras av samma buss.

Här är stoppen runt flygplatsen:

NAIA Terminal 1: Ankomstområdet

NAIA Terminal 2: Ankomstområde, Bay 17

NAIA Terminal 3: Ankomstområde, Bay 10 Ankomstområde

NAIA Terminal 4: Framför terminalen

Bussarna följer inte köpet ovan; Det troliga första och sista stoppet är terminal 3 eftersom det är det mest trafikerade med mycket fler flygningar som kommer och avgår.

PÅMINNELSE! Tidtabellerna nedan visar den senaste gången inlägget uppdaterades. Vi försöker förse läsarna med uppdaterad information så mycket vi kan, men vänligen kontakta Ube Express direkt oavsett för att se till att du har den aktuella informationen.

Alabang centrum till NAIA, NAIA till Alabang centrum

Från och med 4 juli 2019.

Pris: P110

Restiden är 1,5-2 timmar, beroende på trafik.

Ayala South Park till NAIA, NAIA till Ayala South Park

Från och med 4 juli 2019.

Pris: P110

Detta är samma buss som betjänar Alabang centrum. I grund och botten stannar bussen vid Alabang centrum till och från Ayala South Park.

Starmall Alabang till NAIA, NAIA till Starmall Alabang

Från 17 december 2018.

Pris: P110

Restiden är 1-2 timmar, beroende på trafik.

Viktiga påminnelser

Ge dig själv extra tid att nå flygplatsen. Du kanske stöter på tung trafik. Försök att anlända tre timmar före en internationell flygning och två timmar före en inhemsk.

UBE Express-bussen stannar inte någonstans mellan pick-up-stationen och flygplatsterminalen. Du kan inte tända någon annanstans.

Har gott om tålamod eftersom bussarna kanske inte avgår eller lämnar i tid. Flera aspekter kommer att påverka detta, men den huvudsakliga skyldigheten är trafik. Det har varit klagomål om schemat så kontakta Ube Express för mycket mer information eller ta reda på några ändringar.

Schemat kan ändras utan någon anmälan från företaget. Ube Express verkar som om de ändrar tiderna utan att publicera det online. Ring ett telefonsamtal först innan du går. Ladda ner appen eller ring företaget för att få en uppdaterad tidsplan.

Var man kan bo nära naia

Om du vill bo på ett hotell nära flygplatsen är här några alternativ.

Holiday Inn Express Manila Newport City. Bild från Agoda.

Holiday Inn Express Manila Newport City. Kontrollfrekvenser och tillgänglighet!

Belmont Hotel Manila. Kontrollfrekvenser och tillgänglighet!

Savoy Hotel Manila. Kontrollfrekvenser och tillgänglighet!

Remington Hotel. Kontrollfrekvenser och tillgänglighet!

Sök efter mycket fler hotell nära NAIA!

Det här inlägget är ett pågående arbete. Vi kommer att uppdatera detta eftersom vi får mycket mer information. Om du har något att lägga till i det här inlägget, meddela oss i kommentarerna nedan.

✍ Med ytterligare ord och redigeringar av Joshua Berida.

Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇

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2022 IKEA PHILIPPINES shopping guide + What to Expect, how to Reserve

When it pertains to elegant but budget-friendly furniture, no other name has greater recall than IKEA. This Sweden-rooted multinational juggernaut has a lot more than 450 stores in 60 countries. lots of of my pals don’t pass up an opportunity to shop if there is an IKEA store in the city they’re visiting. I also know a couple of interior-stylist-friends who travel abroad for the sole purpose of shopping here. but now, they may no longer need to because IKEA has finally arrived in the Philippines.

And they didn’t come here to play. Covering 65,000 square meters, what IKEA built in Pasay City’s mall of Asia complex is their largest store in the world. It opened its doors to the public last November 25.

But because we are still taking care of the pandemic, IKEA implements health and safety protocols. In this article, we’ll share with you what you need to do, how to reserve a slot, and how to shop at IKEA Philippines – Pasay.

Vad är täckt i den här guiden?

How to schedule a Visit
How to get to IKEA
How to ShopSHOWROOM, 4th Floor
MARKET HALL, 3rd Floor
SELF-SERVE furniture AREA, 3rd Floor

Where to eat at IKEA
Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)What are the operating hours of IKEA Philippines?
How long can I stay inside IKEA Philippines?
Are walk-ins allowed?
How long is the waiting time?
Are children allowed at IKEA Philippines?
When did IKEA Philippines open?

Fler idéer om YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

How to schedule a Visit

Goda nyheter! NO BOOKING needed to check out IKEA anymore.

But only fully vaccinated guests are allowed. Bring your vaccination card.

Prior to 2022, when the store just opened, they implemented a NO BOOKING, NO shopping policy. but that has been suspended.

How to get to IKEA

IKEA Pasay City is located within the mall of Asia Complex, just beside the SM mall of Asia department store and in between the MOA Arena and SMX Convention Center. All these buildings are interconnected through bridge ways. The mall of Asia complex is located on the southern end of EDSA.

If you’re taking public transportation, here’s how to get to IKEA.

Make your way to any MRT Station.

Take the MRT to Taft Station. Alight there.

Board a jeepney or bus bound for MOA.

Get off at the unloading spot, just in front of the mall, near the MOA Globe.

Enter the mall, take the escalator up to the second floor. Head left and walk all the way through the outdoor area to the entrance to the MOA Square.

You’ll find entrance to IKEA inside the MOA Square. You can’t miss it because of its large blue and yellow theme.

If you drive a car, you may find vehicle parking spots at the IKEA building itself or at nearby buildings, which are all interconnected. This area is used to holding concerts and big events so vehicle parking shouldn’t be an issue.

How to Shop

For a visual guide, we have a video version of this post here:

We took two sets of escalators all the way to the fourth floor, where we were greeted by staff handing yellow frakta bags, where you place the items you wish to purchase. “Frakta” indicates “to carry” in Swedish.

It’s best to be familiar with the basic arrangement of the sections. IKEA has three main areas: the Showroom (4th floor), the market Hall (3rd floor), and the Self-Serve furniture area (also on the 3rd floor).

SHOWROOM, 4th Floor

This is a good place to start your shopping, especially if you’re also trying to find inspiration. here you’ll find dozens of well-styled rooms — bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms — all featuring IKEA products. If you like an item, check out the tag.

Products with YELLOW identifies are normally bulky items. If you wish to get a yellow-tagged item, technique a staff member to assist you with your purchase.

Products with RED identifies are items that you must pick up at the market Hall or the Self-Serve furniture area on the third floor. For these, take a photo of the identify to use it as reference later on when it’s time to collect the item.

MARKET HALL, 3rd Floor

This is the area right away down the stairs from the Showroom. The first thing to greet you is the corner where all the trolley carts are parked and a wall featuring products that cost less than P100 apiece. but this is just a quick taste of what’s in store for you inside.

Think of it as a gigantic department store bursting with smaller items like kitchenware, glassware, utensils, shower room products, bed sheets, pillows, toys, lights — name it!

SELF-SERVE furniture AREA, 3rd Floor

Adjacent the market Hall. This is where you’ll pick up bigger items like drawers, cabinets, couches, and bed frames. just check the identifies and get the item from the shelf.

Självbetjäning! but if you need help, there are staff members roaming around.


After the Self-Serve area are the CHECK-OUT COUNTERS. If I’m not mistaken, there are around 30 counters straddlingthe entire room. during my visit, the queue was so long but mostly because a lot of tend to flock towards the closest counters.

NOTE: If you’re purchasing 10 items or fewer, you may queue towards the yellow-marked express Counters, positioned at the far end of the room. a lot of buyers fail to notice this because they’re too far away and gigantic columns block the view. but there are 10 express Counters in that corner.

REMINDER: While inside the store, make sure to:

Wear your face mask in any way times.

Observe proper physical distancing.

Sanitize your hands using alcohol or alcohol-based sanitizer.

Where to eat at IKEA

IKEA has its own food establishments within the building. the most famous are the Swedish restaurant and Swedish Cafe.

Swedish restaurant serves IKEA’s famous Swedish meatballs (available in 8-, 12-, 16- and 20-piece options) with broccoli and mashed potatoes. other bestsellers include baked salmon fillet and chicken wings. For dessert, apple pie and crunchy chocolate almond cake. and for beverages, you may buy brewed coffee, hot black tea or their signature Nordic drink made from elderberries, pears, lemons, and raspberries.

Swedish cafe uses mostly coffee, tea, pastries and desserts. It’s on the third floor, near the stairs and escalators by the entrance/exit. I think I also saw a soft-serve ice cream maker nearby.

There’s also a bar right away after the checkout counters. It sells some items like chicken wings, hotdog, empanada and ice cream.

If you plan on dining at the restaurant, bring your vaccination card! only fully vaccinated adults (18 years old and above) are allowed to dine the restaurant. Unvaccinated minors are allowed only if they’re accompanied by fully-vaccinated adults.

Unfortunately, all that walking around left us famished. Without any a lot more energy to queue up, we made a decision to skip eating here and just dine elsewhere at SM mall of Asia. We’ll just return to IKEA another day to try the resto and cafe. We’ll update this post after.

Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)

What are the operating hours of IKEA Philippines?

IKEA STORE: Daily, 10:00 am – 7:00 pm.

Swedish Restaurant: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Bistro level 2: 9:30 am – 6:30pm

How long can I stay inside IKEA Philippines?

No time limit.

You may spend as much time as you want, even up to closing time.

Are walk-ins allowed?

JA. starting 10 January 2022, no booking needed.

Fully vaccinated walk-ins are allowed. Bring your vaccination card.

How long is the waiting time?

UPDATE (January 2022): Queues are much shorter now and there are fewer people.

The account below was our experience when we checked out in December 2021.

Based on our experience, we spent 30 minutes falling in line to enter the store. but it actually took us 10-15 minutes to get from the start of the line to the entrance area. The rest of the time was spent just waiting for our scheduled entry time. The queue moved pretty swiftly and it was pretty organized.

The queue to the counter may be a different story, though, considering that it takes longer to check out especially if you have a lot of items on your cart. as for us, considering that we only had fewer than 10 items on our frakta bag, we queued up to the express Counters. We spent only 35 minutes on the line.

Note that we checked out on opening DAY (Thursday), so the queues are naturally long. This may change in the coming days / weeks.

Are children allowed at IKEA Philippines?

YES, according to their official website. We also saw many buyers with kids.

When did IKEA Philippines open?

IKEA’s first store in the Philippines opened to the public on 25 November 2021.

Its launch has been anticipated considering that its construction was first announced. Initially, it was scheduled to be completed in 2020, but there had been delays due to the pandemic.

IKEA’s online store was first to be launched in early November 2021, but the opening of the physical store finally happened on November 25th.

Last updated: 23 March 2022
Additional words by Mariah Cruz

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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From Traveller to tour Guide: My India Experience

“I’m on a trail-blazing journey!” I kept reminding myself. My hands were shaking with nerves as well as enjoyment as I boarded a airplane in March of 2013 for a 4-month journey with India. India, a country that was totally foreign to me. In fact, I barely even understood anyone who had travelled there. however it was as much as me (and my travel partner) to find the magic that was India.

Our goals were to discover engaging as well as legitimate short-term volunteer opportunities, as well as to begin the task of establishing an adventure+volunteer tour for let online Travel. It sounded like the perfect situation just a few short months before, however as a dream ended up being reality, I was petrified.

I’d spent a decade backpacking, as well as had always dreamed my ventures would take me to this mystical land; however as my airplane took off I realized, regardless of my studies, I still had no concept what to expect.

Read More: exactly how to Prepare For travel in India

The very first Moments

5 flights, 4 layovers, as well as 42 dreadfully long hours later, I landed in India for the very first time. Cursing myself for not selecting a more direct route, I medication my feet with the flight terminal considering exactly how I’d stay awake long sufficient to catch a cab. however as I stepped outside, I was immediately jolted to life. The warm as well as the seems as well as the smells of India crashed into me.

After bartering with a herd of cabbies as well as lastly agreeing on a price, my driver slowly as well as carefully pulled away from the airport, merged onto the highway, as well as then all rules of the road were lost.

Whipping between cars, accelerating around corners, disregarding the ‘suggested’ red lights… I definitely was not in Canada anymore! As we made our method with the streets of Delhi, swerving around sauntering cows as well as fruit vendors right on the road, it ended up being abundantly remove that this was indeed going to be the biggest as well as most satisfying culture-shock of my liv.

Read More: budget plan Backpacking guide to India

The very first Days

At first, India was overwhelming chaos, or as some accurately explain it, an assault to the senses. I stumbled back as well as forth with the web-like narrow pathways of shops, attempting to gain my bearings. It was all dizzying: one never-ending rickshaw horn, an explosion of colours, extreme over-population, curious as well as unwavering stares from the locals, as well as a odor that was, well, thick.

Those very first few days, I discovered myself wide-eyed as well as mute, just trying to take in my surroundings.

As the very first week passed, I slowly felt my mind as well as body begin to accept India. Over time, my brain started to sluggish in order to make sense of the gorgeous chaos. I started to feel calm in my surroundings, now experiencing the world in a totally new as well as refreshing way. It was this moment, when I truly let India in, that I might feel myself falling madly as well as deeply in like with this country as well as its people. Well, that plus my very first bite of dahl tadka, a tasty Indian staple.

Diving into India

We had ventured with northern as well as central India to link with some regional non-profits, as well as I felt myself sensing the end, not wanting for it to find – not yet. The locals were overwhelmingly hospitable, as well as I felt that since of my work with regional charities, I was satisfying a few of the most inspiring as well as kind people this world has to offer.

Although I had checked out it time as well as again, I was still shocked at exactly how incredibly diverse as well as big India was. Whenever I discovered one place I loved, the temptation to stay-put was strong. however I understood I had to push on, as well as came to discover that sometimes the longest treks produce the biggest results.

For me, that rewarding journey was travelling deep into Himachal Pradesh into the Himalayan mountains. I was thrilled to breathe in the fresh, crisp mountain air. I was even more thrilled to test out the abundance of activities: the mountain peaks were calling out to be hiked, beckoning to me to discover their endless hidden waterfalls as well as natural pools. It was an outside enthusiast’s dream!

What made the experience even more rich, though, were the moments I linked with locals with the countless volunteer chances we discovered. Over time, we were able to discover the most efficient programs produced by regional Indians to aid with the Tibetan refugees’ shift into India. building connections with these selfless as well as caringLokalbefolkningen framhöll verkligen gästfriheten som är Indien, liksom att arbeta med sina organisationer medförde funktion och mening till mina dagar.

Och sedan var det den långa tågresan över natten som förde mig till Varanasi. Detta är en av de äldsta städerna i världen såväl som det bankande hjärtat i det hinduiska universum. Varanasi är där jag verkligen upptäckte den starkaste dosen av en indisk kulturell upplevelse.

Denna heliga stad sprider sig längs den heliga floden Ganga och spricker av oöverträffande såväl som oförstörda kulturella ritualer såväl som religiösa ceremonier. Det var här som jag hade min allra första upplevelse med en sadhu (helig man), fick en välsignelse, en rök och program som dyker in i en filosofisk diskussion.

En liknande otrolig resa reser västerut till kanten av Tharöknen, till en stad som heter Pushkar. Till skillnad från Varanasi var Pushkar ett underverk sedan dess avslappnade känsla och långsammare takt. Det var också en plats för första för mig.

Det var där jag först gick in i verkligt ökenland, liksom mycket första hängde med de kysta djuren: kameler. Ännu mer, just här var vi tur som var tillräckligt för att tillfredsställa och bli vän med en otrolig regional som kör program efter skolan för mindre inaktiverade barn. När jag gick ut med honom för att frivilligt på sin institution i några dagar kunde jag förstå hushållen i dessa små jordbrukstad, samt växte till mycket bättre att förstå deras livsmetod.

Indien överträffade mina förväntningar, i de mest givande och oförutsägbara sätten. Det fanns oundvikligen oändliga svårigheter att resa detta nya, helt konsumtiva land såväl som kultur, liksom vissa dagar var helt utmattande och oförlåtande. Men som alla resenärer vet är det allt en del av upplevelsen såväl som belöning.

Och jag visste, även då, att jag skulle komma tillbaka många, många gånger mer.

Visar upp “mitt” Indien

Tiden hade kommit. Jag skulle äntligen dela mitt Indien med andra. Efter några fler satsningar tillbaka till Indien, i februari 2015, var Let Online Travel Experience & Volunteer Tour sist i rörelse!

När jag gick med min nya turnégrupp från flygterminalen till vår väntande hytt, kände jag de bekanta skakningar av nerver och spänning. Gruppen vaknade från sin resa över kontinenter. Deras ögon började bredda såväl som deras prat snabbare.

Vi drog oss bort från flygplatsen, liksom hyttföraren började snabbt svänga mellan körfält, accelerera runt hörnen och bortse från vägar när vi gjorde vår metod med sena kvällen Delhi.

Titta på deras bedövade ansikten, ett stort leende spridda över mitt ansikte; Det var som att återuppleva det förflutna och återuppleva de allra första mäktiga ögonblicken i Indien. Åh, de underverk de var i för!

Som det här inlägget? Klara det!

Friskrivningsklausul: Goats on the Road är en Amazon -partner och likaså en ansluten till vissa andra återförsäljare. Detta innebär att vi gör provisioner om du klickar på länkar på vår blogg och köp från dessa återförsäljare.

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25 new Year’s Resolution ideas For 2022

What do you want to accomplish this year? What are your dreams, goals, desires? For the most part, when people are thinking up new Year’s resolution ideas, they tend to lean towards four main life categories that they want to improve on:





When it pertains to achieving goals, it’s crucial to write them down and have a clear vision for what you really want. saying “I want a lot more money this year”, or “I want to lose weight” is great, but it’s best to be certain about your goals.

Write down exactly how much a lot more money you want to earn, and how much weight you actually want to lose. What would that feel like? What would you make with a lot more money? Why do you want to lose weight?

The a lot more in-depth and certain you are about your new Year’s resolutions, the a lot more likely you are to achieve them.

In this article, I’ll share my top 25 new Year’s resolution ideas and tools to help you earn a lot more money, travel a lot more (for less), learn new skills and improve your overall health. 

Note: This post has been updated for 2022 and includes a lot more new Year’s resolution ideas to help you lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here’s to a terrific year ahead!

New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Earning a lot more Money
New Year’s Resolutions: how To travel More
New Year’s Resolution Ideas: learning new Things
New Year’s Resolution Ideas: For healthy Living
Put These basic new Year’s Resolution ideas into Action

New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Earning a lot more Money

This is the #1 resolution for a lot of people. who doesn’t want to earn a lot more money? a lot more cash equals a lot more freedom.

Whether you want to make a lot more money so you can go travelling, pay off your debt or make a big purchase, this list will help you put some extra cash in the bank. 

Online Surveys 

Want to sit around in your pajamas, with a cup of coffee in hand and make money? Paid online surveys are probably the easiest side hustle out there. You won’t become a millionaire, but all you have to do is answer surveys or enjoy TV in buy to get paid. 

Every penny counts when it pertains to saving money. 

There are lots of spammy sites out there, but these are some of the legit ones (note, for some paid online surveys, you need to be in a certain location, ie: the USA):

SwagBucks (earn $10 just for signing up)


Springboard America

Check out our full list of paid online surveys and start earning some easy money in the new year. 

Work Remotely

If remote work is one of your new Year’s resolution ideas, then you’ll want to check out this website.

There are some freelance jobs and part-time work provided on FlexJobs, but this platform will also connect you with well-known companies that are seeking to hire remote employees full-time. These are well-paying jobs!

As with anything online, there are many scams out there. FlexJobs handpicks and siphons through all of the junk and only articles the legit jobs.

There are over 50 different occupation categories available, from marketing and account management to medical and engineering, there’s bound to be a job that fits your skillset. 

Click here to learn a lot more about FlexJobs. If you sign up before January 9, 2022, use discount code NEWYEAR to receive 50% off the membership. After that, use discount code NOMAD when you sign up and receive 30% off the membership fee.

For a lot more ideas, have a look at this list of 15 best remote job sites to find your dream job. And, have a look at our best ideas for working remotely. 

Find continuous Freelance Work

Working as a freelancer is great, but with that comes insecurity about your salary — which is regularly fluctuating.

Crush the feast/famine cycle this year. rather than finding a few one-off jobs, wouldn’t you rather be fully booked? solid Gigs uses freelancers just that, solid gigs!

The team manually searches through over 100 job boards to find the top 1% of freelance work available. Then, they send you a list of the best straight to your inbox on Tuesdays.

Plus, you’ll receive access to 100 premium video and written lessons, and interviews with expert freelancers. Spreadsheets, templates and other tools are also available to help you succeed.

If you’re a designer, developer, writer, or marketer, you’ll find jobs suited to your skills on solid Gigs. sign up here and enter the code GOATS2 to receive your first month for just $2.

If solid Gigs doesn’t resonate with you, there are lots of a lot more sites out there. have a look at these top freelance web sites for beginners, or the popular Upwork website.

Read our insider’s review of Upwork and if you’re a freelancer, you’ll want to make sure you have your own freelance web site to promote what you offer. 

Looking for a lot more Freelance articles?

20 best Time management tools For Freelancers

How To Make money As A Freelance social media Manager

10 ways To Make money As A graphic Designer

How To Make money On Upwork: An Expert’s Review

10 High-Paying online Jobs

How To create a Freelance web site (Step by step Guide)

Start a Blog

How could I not put this on the list? In my opinion, this is one of the best new Year’s resolution ideas out there.

We want to help you start a blog, share your knowledge with the world, and earn some money.

We write about travel and making money on the road. But, a blog can be about any topic: parenting, pets, crafts, food, fashion, tech…the list goes on. have a look at these top-earning blog topics and genres.

If you are experienced and passionate about a particular subject, start a blog, and start making a lot more money this year.  

One of my much-loved offices – blogging in Lagos, Portugal at our apartment

Can’t think of a blog name? That’s fine, you can start your web site and come up with the name later on. 

As a bonus, if you start your blog through this link, we’ll send you our Beginner’s blogging Course, blogging ideas ebook and SEO checklist for free. Plus, you’ll be added to our VIP Facebook Group. 

Update 2022: once you’ve started your blog, the next thing to think about is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You can have the best message in the world, and have the most beneficial information to share, but if that content doesn’t rank in Google, hardly any individual will see it.

We’ve put together the SEO Made basic multimedia course that includes video, PDF downloads, worksheets, and access to our private Facebook group. check out this one-hour SEO tutorial, which is actionable, and completely free.

Se även:

10 expert ideas To become a (Successful) Blogger 

10 a lot of crucial steps For a new Blog

How travel blogging changed Our Lives: Our journey to financial Freedom

Teach A Language

These days, you don’t actually have to step abroad to show foreign students. You can do so from the comfort of your home. Teach English online and make money from anywhere that has a solid wi-fi connection.

Unfortunately, the higher-paying online teaching jobs from China have been cancelled. However, there are still some terrific companies that you can show with. have a look at PrePly, Cambly, Outschool, Teachable and Profy. 

For those of you from other countries who want to become online teachers, you’ll want to either check out this post, set up a profile with Skillshare, or have a look at Italki. 

Note: a lot of of the high-paying teaching companies require you to have a TEFL certificate. MyTEFL is the least expensive 120-hour certificate. use discount code GOATS35 at checkout to receive 35% off. Or, have a look at our list of the top 7 best TEFL courses Online. 

Se även:

Teach English Online: top 10 companies That Pay 

10 companies That let You show English online Without a Degree

10 things To know before becoming An online English Teacher

List Your home on Airbnb

Airbnb is a game-changer for travellers and homeowners. It has opened up opportunities for people to make some extra cash on the side, and to connect with people.

Whether you want to rent out a room in your home, list one of your investment properties, or rent out your house while you’re away on holiday, Airbnb is the best platform to do so. 

Depending on which part of the world you live in (and which city), you can make a lot of money on the side by renting out your home and becoming an Airbnb host. 

Click here to learn a lot more about becoming an Airbnb host and add it to your list of new Year’s resolution ideas. 

Se även:

10 best Airbnbs in Paris

Top 10 special Airbnb Properties around The World

The Airbnb Scam Travellers need To know About

Become an Uber Driver

This is one of the best ways to earn some cash on the side. If you work during the week, you can pick up shifts on the weekend. If you work during the day, you can drive in the evenings.

You are your own boss and choose your own schedule. and obviously, the a lot more driving you do, the a lot more money you will make. 

On average, in the United States, Uber motorists earn between $8 – $11 / hour after accounting for driving costs. If you live in new York, Uber motorisTs tjänar omkring $ 29 / timme!

Mängden pengar du tjänar verkligen beror på vilken stad du bor i, vilka timmar på dagen du kör, hur många passagerare du hämtar per timme, etc.

Klicka här för att lära dig mycket mer om att bli en uberförare.

Skapa din egen online-kurs

Online kurser är populära idealiska nu. Vi har skapat två online kurser, som inkluderar video tutorials och nedladdningar.

För de av er som vill enkelt skapa en kurs och visa världen kan en viss skicklighet, lära sig vara plattformen för dig.

I grund och botten, om du har erfarenhet av något ämne (konst, tech, kulinarisk, design etc.) kan du skapa professionella online-kurser och sälja dem till dina elever. Läran gör det exceptionellt lätt att skapa, redigera, publicera och sälja. Det är all-in-one kursbyggaren.

Det här är den plattform som vi personligen använder för våra kurser och vi rekommenderar det. Klicka här för att lära dig mycket mer och bli en kurslärare i år med lärbar. Eller ta en titt på vårt inlägg som listar de 7 bästa plattformarna för att sälja online kurser.

Se mycket fler sätt att tjäna pengar online år 2022 i vårt inlägg här.

Nyårs resolutioner: Hur man reser mer

Medan världen kanske inte är lika lättillgänglig som den en gång var, är mycket mer och mycket fler gränser öppnar och välkomnar resenärer igen.

Så snart det nya året närmar sig, börjar alla att söka efter de billigaste länderna att besöka, eller kanske de minst dyra europeiska länderna besöker.

Och för de av er från norra halvklotet som vill undkomma förkylningen, söker du förmodligen efter de bästa ställena att resa i januari. Oavsett när du reser, eller var, kommer dessa verktyg att hjälpa dig att se världen … för mindre.

Se även:

Hur man reser världen när du absolut inte har pengar

Hur man reser i ett år på $ 5000

Hus sittande

Jag kan inte rekommendera hus sittande och husdjur sitter nog.

Enligt min åsikt finns det inget bättre sätt att få gratis boende runt om i världen. Om du gillar att resa och älska djur är det här ett av de bästa nyårets upplösningsidéer för dig.

De flesta av huset sitter jobb är också sällskapsdjur som sitter, vilket indikerar att du tar hand om en katt, hund, fågel, fisk, etc. medan du bor i någons hem.

För husägare, att ha någon tar hand om sina hem och familj husdjur är fantastiskt eftersom det indikerar att deras pälsbarn inte behöver vara i en kennel medan de är borta, och huset kommer att vara säkert och väl omhändertaget.

Du kommer att kunna leva som en lokal, få gratis boende och ha en furry vän. Typiskt kommer en bil att vara tillgänglig för din användning, och i vissa fall får du också en lön.

När du försöker hitta ett hus sittande jobb, kommer du förmodligen att märka att många av de tillgängliga sitsarna är i Storbritannien, USA, Australien, Kanada, Frankrike, Tyskland och Nya Zeeland.

Med detta sagt har vi bara någonsin husdjur satt i tropiska destinationer – Barbados, Grenada och Costa Rica. Dessutom har vi slagit ner använder i Italien, Qatar, Thailand, Mexiko och Guatemala. Hus sittande jobb är tillgängliga runt om i världen.

Klicka här för att se de tillgängliga bostäderna och lära dig mycket mer om det mest populära husets sitter på nätet. Trusted houseitters är den enda platsen vi någonsin har använt och vi rekommenderar det.

Se även:

Trusted House Sitters – Hur man går med och får ditt första jobb

Hus sitter jobb – hur man hittar sitter runt om i världen

10 skäl till att hus sittande är det yttersta jobbet

10 saker att göra efter att du landar ditt första husdjurs sittjobb

Resa hacking

Ett annat EPIC sätt att ta emot gratis resor i år (eller diskonterad resa) är att lära sig om resehackning.

Vissa människor gillar inte ordet “hack” som de tycker att det indikerar att bluff eller fuska, men i verkligheten finns det inget olagligt

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Published: August 2013

If there were a contest among night markets in Asia and the main criteria were diversity and artfulness, Chiang Mai would have it in the bag. While Taipei’s Shilin boasts a smorgasbord of Taiwanese street food and Malacca’s Jonker street teems with cute souvenir trinkets, Chiang Mai’s weekend markets have essentially everything. Allt!

Armed with very little expectations, I was shocked to discover that they had nearly all the foodage and the goodies that I normally craved. On one end was a sausage stall and on the other was a sushi kiosk. and in between were two wide-ranging lanes of delightful items — edible and otherwise — that made me let out an limitless train of cheers! Oh hey, fresh fruit shakes! vintage notebooks! Look, hand-painted shoes! Ooooh, barbeque! Wow, fried quail eggs? Oh the man is playing a tune with, wait, are those white wine glasses?

Ser? Allt. but what really got me were two things: the tasty food and the equally tasteful art.

Saturday night Market

I followed the scent of grilled sausages and I stumbled upon a lively night market stradlling Wualai road (or Wui Lai Road) south west of the old city. “Saturday night Market,” replied a fellow traveler when I asked him what the name of the place was. It was 7pm and the street was already roaring and swarmed with tourists and locals alike.

Opposite the sausage kiosk was a man making stunning music using a set of white wine glasses filled with varying but thoroughly calculated amounts of water. A small, silent crowd gathered around him and, despite the blaring noise, listened attentively to the soft melody. but he wasn’t the only street performer at the site that evening. A teenage girl was playing a standard Thai instrument and a little kid was doing the hoola hoop tirelessly. and these performances were just the first to catch my attention.

A closer look at the shops and spaces would bombarded my eyes with a rich display of apparel, lanterns, wood carvings, sketches, perfumes, even silverware. Not to mention all the food stalls that dash the street. It was actually the food that I loved a lot of about this night market.

Sunday night Market

Much like the Saturday night Market, its Sunday counterpart also booms even before the dark blankets the city. By 5pm, vendors have already set up their mini-stores, waiting for customers. but as soon as the sun passes over its dominance to the moon, the festive atmosphere and the traffic thicken and it’s nearly impossible to walk around especially between 8 to 9pm.

The Sunday walking street Market (as it is also known as) is located on the other side of the old city. this one stretches from Thapae gate and spans the length of Ratchadamnoen Road, which is closed for automobiles for the night. the best part, it is surrounded by the city’s lots of ancient temples. You can check out these temples too. If not, well, they make for a good backdrop while you take pleasure in a salmagundi of Thai snacks.

It was just before sunset but I, teeming with excitement, was already at the market. The first thing I observed was the art. It was as though I walked into an outdoor gallery showcasing the best of Chiang Mai’s visual artworks. Paintings and sketches lay on the ground, bathing in admiring stares from passing customers. even the trinkets, housewares, and office supplies that I identified screamed a sort of creativity. Every item I laid eyes on was artful and imaginative.

Both the Saturday and Sunday night Markets are worth a visit. considering that I have arrived from my backpacking trip, I have been asked too lots of times for Chiang Mai ideas and I always tell them: go on a weekend. and when they ask why, I have only two reasons.

Saturday night Market
Wualai Street, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Opening Hours: 4pm-12mn

Sunday night Market
Ratchadamnoen Road, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Opening Hours: 4pm-12mn

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Posted: 3/7/22 | March 7th, 2022

This publish was written by Vanessa Van Edwards, bestselling author as well as behavioral detective at science of People. Years ago, she shared her tips on exactly how to be more fascinating while traveling. Today, she’s back to talk about utilizing body language cues when you travel.

Many travelers focus on language skills to interact across cultures. as well as that’s helpful, however it’s not enough! An even much better travel skill is to understand exactly how checked out as well as speak the universal language of cues.

While researching for my latest book, Cues: Master the trick Language of Charismatic communication examines exactly how people utilize body language gestures to communicate. From tilting your head to showing your open palms, you can demonstrate specific intentions universally.

Here are a few universal cues you can utilize to interact intention no matter where you are in the world.

1. The Head Tilt

Want to show you are listening, paying interest as well as engaged? utilize a head tilt. This is a universal cue of openness. This is since when we want to hear something much better we tilt our head to subject our ear. This likewise warms up pictures. Take a look at these two pictures of the exact same person. The head tilt immediately warms her up:

Use a head tilt to show: “I’m listening” or “Tell me more.”

2. Fronting

Fronting is when you angle your body to signal attention. Specifically, we point our three T’s (toes, torso, as well as top) toward whatever we’re paying interest to. Our physical positioning cues others as to our mental orientation. Fronting is a fantastic cue to understand what somebody is believing about.

When somebody is about to leave, they’ll turn their toes toward the exit.

When two people are having a fantastic discussion, their entire bodies line up as if their toes, hips, as well as shoulders are on parallel lines.

When somebody is hungry, they frequently front toward the buffet.

You can utilize fronting to show what you are paying interest to as well as watch other’s fronting angles to see where their mind is going.

3. eyebrow Raise

When we raise our eyebrows, we signal that we want to see more. It’s as if we want our eyebrows to get out of the method to see something or somebody better. The eyebrow raise is a positive social cue. Universally, the eyebrow raise is a indication of acknowledgment. Researchers have discovered that we likewise raise our eyebrows to show an intention to communicate. This is since increasing our eyebrows boosts the distance at which it’s possible for an onlooker to spot our look direction.

This is the fastest method to interact interest, curiosity, as well as attention. We can utilize it as a shortcut in many scenarios. Till exempel:

When we’re seeking confirmation—we may raise our eyebrows in a soft question: “Does this make sense?”

When we’re actively listening. Researchers discovered that an eyebrow raise can be utilized to demonstrate contract in conversation.

When we want to highlight a point. When you raise your eyebrows, others are cued to pay interest as well as are more likely to make eye get in touch with with you.

Special Note: The eyebrow raise can likewise be utilized to show charming interest. If you are in a bar or club, only utilize the eyebrow raise if you have charming intentions.

4. Distancing

When we don’t like something, we have the desire to physically distance ourselves from it. When we believe something is endangering or dangerous, we want to get as far away from it as possible. If you see a unexpected distancing habits be careful that you just made somebody uncomfortable. always be on the lookout for unexpected distancing behaviors. Tycka om:

Stepping back.

Leaning back in a chair.

Turning your head or body away.

Scooting back.

Turning away to inspect your phone.

Angling backward.

5. open Palms

Want to gain trust? show your open palms to instantly put others at ease. This is since our primitive brains translate closed hands as potentially brandishing a weapon. open hands provide us more credibility as well as can be utilized situationally:

Use hand gestures that integrate the open palm during a conversation.

Extend an arm with an open palm to signal to the other speaker that it’s their turn to talk.

Instead of pointing with your finger (which can be thought about rude in many countries), utilize your open palm to point in your preferred direction.

Pro Tip: Pay interest to a person’s hand gestures! If they are being open as well as friendly, their hands will generally show open palms.

6. The Smile

Smiling is one of the most universal facial expressions that signal friendship as well as openness. A smile can be utilized as a greeting as well as be an invitation to conversation. during a conversation, you can smile to nonverbally motivate the other person to continue speaking.

Pro Tip: exactly how do you area a authentic smile from a fake one? look for the characteristic “crow’s feet” on the sides of the eyes, which can frequently be seen when somebody has a big-mouthed smile on their face. When approaching somebody or trying to develop new connections while traveling, watch for the genuine smile versus the fake smile. This can likewise signal you to positive or unfavorable intentions.

A fake smile is characterized by closed lips as well as a lack of crow’s feet, as well as it can suggest somebody is just being polite.

7. Fidgeting

Fidgeting is available in many different forms, however they are always distracting. any type of repetitive habits can be fidgeting:

Playing with the hair.

Picking the fingernails.

Clicking a pen.

Bouncing the foot.

Dangling secrets in the hand.

People who fidget generally don’t feel sufficient stimulus from their atmosphere as well as seek to produce it on their own. Or their inner stress and anxiety makes them have uncontrolled movement. look for indications of fidgeting if you’re in the midst of a conversation. If you area it, perhaps it’s time to modification the subject or the venue.

If you are a fighter, be conscious that this can be distracting to your listener. It likewise can make you seem anxious — which always puts others off as well.

8. Neck Rubbing

When a person scrubs their own neck, it’s a self-soothing cue as well as can mean they are nervous, anxious, or unsure about something. We tend to self-massage ourselves since it provides physical touch—you can believe of a neck rub like a mini self-hug.

Other self-soothing cues are available in different forms:

Rubbing the forearm or upper arm.

Running the hands with the hair.

Rubbing the hands together.

Massaging the upper legs.

If you notice one of these cues, take a moment to believe about what triggered it. perhaps they’re unsure of future travel plans. perhaps they feel unfamiliar with a location. utilize this info to your advantage!

9. Mirroring

Mirroring is when you match a person’s body language cues. This is a fantastic method to develop connection since we tend to like people who act likewise to us. try mirroring the body language cues from somebody else:

Crossing a leg over the knee.

Nodding when they nod.

Returning a friendly arm touch.

Using the exact same open palm gestures they do.

When mirroring, the key is to be subtle. Overdo it as well as you danger coming off as unnatural! We have more on mirroring in our body language guide as well.

Pro Tip: You can likewise mirror verbal language, too! try repeating unique words a person likes to use: “That was fantastic!” or “I’m doing swell.”

10. The Wave

Are you in a new country as well as not sure exactly how to greet someone? The wave is a universal greeting that can be utilized in virtually all countries. Waving produces immediate trust since the open palms are showing. It’s a fantastic method to immediately signal, “Friend!”

Waving is likewise an perfect greeting to utilize if you’re unsure exactly how strangers normally greet each other. It’s perfect to stay with waving at first, however when you understand the regional culture’s customs, a bow or cheek kiss may be more appropriate depending upon your situation!

You can utilize these universal cues to speak for you – no matter the language or culture. want to discover all 96 cues? Be sure to inspect out my latest book Cues: Master the trick Language of Charismatic Communication.

Vanessa Van Edwards is a behavioral detective as well as bestselling author. Over 42 million people have seen her on YouTube as well as in her viral TED Talk. Her habits research study lab, science of People, has been featured in quick Company, Inc., USA Today, as well as on CNN, CBS, entrepreneur magazine as well as many more. Her much anticipated new book, Cues: Master the trick Language of Charismatic communication just released anywhere books are sold.

Book Your Trip: Logistical tips as well as Tricks
Boka ditt flyg
Find a inexpensive flight by utilizing Skyscanner. It’s my preferred browse engine since it searches websites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned.

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Du kan boka ditt vandrarhem med Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses as well as hotels.

Misslyckas inte med att komma ihåg reseförsäkring
Travel insurance coverage will protect you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s comprehensive security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it many times in the past. Mitt föredragna företag som erbjuder den allra bästa servicen samt värdet är:

SafetyWing (bäst för alla)

Försäkra min resa (för dem över 70)

Medjet (for extra evacuation coverage)

Klar att boka din resa?
Check out my resource page for the vMycket bästa företag att utnyttja när du reser. Jag listar alla som jag utnyttjar när jag reser. De är de allra bästa i klassen och du kan inte gå fel med att utnyttja dem på din resa.

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10 complimentary things to perform in TAIPEI, TAIWAN

Taiwan is steadily catching up with its Oriental neighbors as a option travel destination for Filipinos, even a lot more so with the forthcoming visa-free entry policy for Philippine passport holders as well as other Southeast Oriental countries. Its place normally excludes it from the normal Southeast Oriental backpacking route, however with its effective transfer system, many night markets, amazing architecture, rising art districts, a large spectrum of buying options, as well as a lot of of all, the kicked back as well as accommodating locals, I firmly believe that Taiwan will increase up as well as be one of the top destinations in Asia in the coming years.

This publish is given you by the Taiwan tourism Board One unusual truth about Taiwan that travelers, particularly the budget-conscious ones, would be thrilled to understand is that a lot of products as well as services in Taiwan, if not all, are fairly more affordable compared to other established Oriental countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, as well as Japan. Whether it’s your very first time checking out the country or not, Taipei, the funding as well as the greatest city, uses a delightful buffet of affordable and, wait on it, complimentary attractions as well as activities that you can definitely enjoy. right here is a listing of a few of the locations to go to in Taipei as well as close-by areas for FREE.

Rent a Pocket Wi-fi!

Pocket Wifi Rental is a lot more practical since you just requirement to link to the device, which can fit as much as 5 gadgets at once. Klook’s wifi rental service likewise supplies unrestricted 4G data without any deceleration to 3G. You can pick it up at Taipei Taoyuan Airport. The number of offered units so reserve one as soon as you can.


Vad är täckt i den här guiden?

Elephant Mountain
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Martyr’s Shrine
Dalongdong Bao’an Temple
Shifen Old Streets
Jiufen Old Street
Shilin night Market
Raohe street night Market
Ximending youth buying District
How to get to Taipei
Where to stay in Taipei
Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Elephant Mountain

Want to get the very best view of Taipei? Elephant Mountain, likewise understood as Xiangshan, provides you a double treat as you marvel at the view of the cityscape while enjoying nature. Late afternoon is the very best time to hike, providing you the cityscape in 3 different illumination modes: daytime, sunset, as well as nighttime. Reaching the top will take you 15-20 minutes in total. The jumping-off point for the hike, Xiangshan Hiking Trail, is just a 15-minute walk from Taipei 101. You may avail yourself of the YouBike service if you want to get there faster.

Location: Xinyi District, Taipei (Near MRT Xiangshan Station)
How to get There: From MRT Xiangshan station (Red Line 2), take exit 2 where you can see a park. walk up until the end of that road, then turn left as well as continue walking up until you reach the jump-off point – Xiangshan Hiking Trail.

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

The building of this memorial hall was completed in 1972. The job was spearheaded by Chiang Kai-shek himself in honor of Dr. sun Yat-sen, the creator of the Republic of China. check out the area as well as discover about history with the life of sun Yat-sen or take pleasure in other exhibits discovered within the compound.

Location: No. 505, section 4, Ren’ai Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City
Operation Hours: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Daily)
How to get There: Take the blue Line 5 to sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall station (S.Y.S.)

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

Opened to the public in 1980, this crucial historical landmark was developed as a tribute to the very first president of the Republic of China, popularly understood as Taiwan. Its blue-colored roofing commands attention, making the entrance as well as the facade a lot more striking. one of the must-sees is the hourly altering of the armed forces workers guarding the huge statue of Chiang Kai-shek.

Location: No. 21, Zhongshan South Road, Taipei City
Operation Hours: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Daily)
How to get There: Take either Red Line 2 or eco-friendly Line 3 to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall station (C.K.S.)

Martyr’s Shrine

Constructed in 1969, the complex boasts excellent architecture. The whole area commemorates the Kuomintang soldiers who lost their lives during the Chinese Civil War. just like Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, the hourly altering of honor guards stationed at the front entrance is one of the spectacles that draw visitors to this place.

Location: No. 139, Beian Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Operation Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Daily)
How to get There: From Jiantan station (Red Line 2), take exit 1 going to the southbound buses. choose Bus 267, 556, or 902.

Dalongdong Bao’an Temple

A UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Site, Dalongdong Bao’an temple is a TaiwaneSE People Religious Tros Temple, som går tillbaka till mitten av 1700-talet. Templet är allmänt känt för Baosheng Cultural Festival, som normalt börjar i april samt varar fram till maj. Lokalbefolkningen såväl som utländska besökare kan det undra på den gamla arkitekturen, de skulpterade statyerna, liksom de pulserande väggmålningarna som de promenerar runt på platsen.

Plats: Nr. 17, Lane 49, Bao’an Street, Datong District, Taipei City
Driftstimmar: 6:30 till 10:30 (dagligen)
Hur man kommer dit: Från Yuanshan Station (Red Line 2), ta avfart 2 samt fortsätta att gå ner Kulun Street tills du når Dalong Street. Ta ett ideal samt fortsätta gå upp tills du når Hami Street. Fortsätt gå upp tills du ser templets ingång på den idealiska sidan.

Shifen gamla gator

Ligger i Pingxi-distriktet, är Shifen Old Streets surrande med livfulla matboder, souvenirbutiker, liksom briljant leende lokalbefolkningen samt turister. Få din adrenalinpumpning när du hör klocksignalerna för att komma ut ur spåret för att göra metod för passande tåg. Observera att Shifen vattenfall ligger bara 20 minuters promenad från Shifen Station. Entré är TWD80 per vuxen samt TWD50 per barn.

Plats: Pingxi District, New Taipei City
Hur man kommer dit: Från Taipei Primary Station, ta ett tåg som går till Ruifang Station, sedan överför till Pingxi-linjen.

Jiufen Old Street

Om du är ett fan av Hayao Miyazaki-filmer, är en Go till Jiufen Old Street ett måste. Används för att vara ett guldgruvområde under den japanska perioden, liknar denna bergsstads scener i Hayao Miyazakis film. Revel i blandningen av japanska såväl som kinesiska estetik medan du skannar dina ögon för Mementos såväl som med matboder eller kaféer samt pittoreska restauranger. Du kan stanna här alls först innan du kommer till Shifen i Pingxi. Vissa människor är över natten här, men om du planerar att göra detsamma, måste du boka din logi före ditt besök.

Plats: Jishan Street, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
Hur man kommer dit: Från Taipei Primary Station, ta ett tåg till Ruifang Station. Längs Mingdeng Road är en busstation (lokal boende Plaza) med rutter på väg mot Jiufen. Ta bussväg 827 eller 788. Gå tillbaka till Taipei City, ta bussväg 1062.

Om du har mycket mer budgetplan såväl som du vill ha bekvämlighet kan du också ansluta till en grupputflykt som gör det möjligt för dig att kolla in de uppfyller platserna. Instruktörstransport samt Hotel Pickup ingår i paketet:

Jiufen stad, populär för sin speciella tehuskultur

Pitou Cape liksom dess grottor samt havsklippor

Bergformationer på Nanya

✅ Boka denna turné

Shilin Night Market

Efter kostnader din tid, checka ut staden Taipei, belöna dig själv med bra mat samt shopping! Var annars måste du göra det än på en av de största nattmarknaderna i Taiwan. Shilin Night Market är också en av de mest populära, särskilt bland turister, eftersom den har ett stort utbud av alternativ – från mat till Mementos till kläder. Du kan upptäcka både regionala och globala produkter här. Några av de vanliga taiwanesiska priserna du kan hitta är ostron omelett, stekt bullar, supersized stekt kyckling, bubbla te, och, naturligtvis, den ökända stinkiga tofu!

Plats: Nr 101, Jihe Road, Shilin District, Taipei City
Driftstimmar: 3:00 till 1:00 (dagligen)
Hur man kommer dit: Ta den röda linjen 2 till Jiantan-stationen, såväl som sedan utnyttja exit 1. Korsa gatan till nattmarknadens entré.

Raohe Street Night Market

Att vara en av de äldsta (öppnade 1987) samt den allra första semestermarknaden i Taipei, måste Raohe Night Market vara på din notering av måste-besöka nattmarknader i Taiwan. Njut inte bara din mat men också på platsens livliga vibe. Har du svårt att välja på vilken mat att köpa? Många leverantörer kommer att låta dig försöka några av sina varor, särskilt de läckra torkade fruktprodukterna. Några av den framträdande grub är ostron vermicelli, peppar pajer, liksom växtbaserade revben.

Plats: Raohe Street, Songshan District, Taipei City
Driftstimmar: 5:00 till 12:00 (dagligen)
Hur man kommer dit: Ta miljövänlig linje 3 till Songshan Station. Gå till Avsluta 5. Korsa gatan till nattmarknadens entré.

Ximending Youth Köp District

Ofta kallade “Harajuku av Taipei”, det här köpdistriktet pulserar med en yngre atmosfär. Dess gator är flankerade med ett stort utbud av modebutiker, restauranger, såväl som barer! Det var väl etablerat under den japanska perioden som ett nöjescenter är dock nu en legitim semesterattraktion samt en föredragen bland regional ungdom.

Närmaste Station: Ximen (blå linje 5 eller miljövänlig linje 3)

Det här är bara några av de många saker du kan utföra i Taipei. Du kan gå till andra nattmarknader, hitta mycket mer historiska landmärken, liksom chill i en av parkerna. Om du vill maximera din tid kan du till och med utnyttja dig självav sin extremt effektiva YouBike-tjänst. resa i din egen takt.

Mer djupt reseguide här: Taipei reseguide

Hur man kommer till Taipei

Sedan september 2016 har Taiwan gjort det mycket lättare för filippinerna att gå in i landet. För filippinska passinnehavare, med tanke på att viseringsfria inträdespolicy fortfarande är i verk, så är det exakt hur du får Taiwan Visa eller Travel Authorization Certificate (TAC).

Om du kommer från Manila och vill göra det mesta av din tid i Taipei, använder Eva Air det allra bästa flygplanet. Behandla tid som valuta också! Rutinen nedan kommer att ta dig till Taipei tidigt på morgonen och ta dig tillbaka till Manila sent på kvällen men inte så sent så att du fortfarande har tillräckligt med vila för imorgon om du har jobb eller skola. Det skulle inte skada att spendera lite mycket mer om det indikerar att du får göra det mesta av din tid såväl som dina pengar, förutsatt att Eva Air är ett skytrax-rated 5-stjärnigt flygbolag.

Var att bo i Taipei

Bestäm dina behov, prioriteringar, såväl som budgeten. Taipei levererar olika typer av boende från budgetplan till mellanklass till lyx, så du kommer att ha massor av val. Här är några av de bästa budgettplanen hotellen samt vandrarhem i Taipei.

Herr Lobsters Trick Den Style Hostel. 9F, NO.22, SEC. 1, Chongqing N. Rd, Taipei Primary Station. Inspektera räntor såväl som tillgängligheten.

Muiu Capsule Inn. 12f, nr 37, sek. 1, Kaifeng St, Taipei Primary Station, Taipei, Taiwan 10044. Inspektera priser såväl som tillgänglighet.

Sök efter mer: Taipei Hotell

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Snapshot: Glico killen i Dotonbori – Osaka, Japan

Dotonbori är den gastronomiska epicentret av Osaka, Japan. Den här världsberömda gatan går från Dotonbori-bron till Nipponbashi Bridge, liksom på båda sidor står många restauranger vars fasader är dekorerade med enorma, elektroniska displayer.

Många av dessa Neon Billboards har hamnat på att vara långsiktiga landmärken i distriktet. En av dem – Glico-mannen. Installerad 1935, denna gigantiska leende idrottare är ett tecken på Glico Candy.

Mer om Dotonbori här: Sensorisk överbelastning vid Dotonbori

Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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